Registration Fees

  • 1 day: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday

    Until Dec. 30, 2024 From Dec. 31, 2024
    Physicians €135 €160
    PhD Students, Trainees, Retired Doctor, Post Doc, Researcher €80 €100
    Nurses €50 €50

    3 days

    Until Dec. 30, 2024 From Dec. 31, 2024
    Physicians €280 €350
    PhD Students, Trainees, Retired Doctor, Post Doc, Researcher €125 €150
    Nurses €50 €50

    Hands-on training in Ultrasound

    Wednesday February 12th or Thursday February 13th
    Physicians €100
    Trainees €50

    Participation at the Evening event

    Thursday February 13th
    BWGE Participant €55
    Partner €80

    Hotel room during conference

    Please click here to check the different hotels and rates.